Welcome to the Web Site of the Michigan Deanery! 

Today's Date According to the Old Calendar:

Lansing Second Pascha 
3/8/21, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Our St. Seraphim parish in Lansing celebrated its feast day on Sunday, August 1. You can learn more about the celebration at the Diocesan web site below:


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First Liturgy in Ludington on July 4! 
28/6/21, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

With Archbishop Peter's blessing Divine Liturgy will be held in Ludington on July 4. Join us! And if you cannot - please pray that seeds planted at this Liturgy will grow!

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Houghton Lake Bible Study Underway 
25/6/21, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Our Houghton Lake Bible Study is underway! Spread the word! Learn more by contacting Fr. Micah Chisholm at 989-324-8773 or chisholm.micah@gmail.com.
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Ann Arbor Russian Festival 2021? YES! 
21/6/21, 03:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Our Ann Arbor parish WILL hold their annual Russian Festival this year! Please see the web site below for more information, pictures from past festivals (videos too!), and more! Spread the word! Do not miss this great family-friendly activity! Russian food, culture, faith, love all in one place for $0 entrance fee!


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Take the Youth Survey! 
18/6/21, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

This survey is for the youth! Please call their attention to this, encourage them to take the survey, perhaps even consider small forms of bribery. :) We need to know who is ready to get back together!


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Join us for Holy Week & Bright Week! 
21/4/21, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

We strongly encourage the faithful of our Michigan Deanery to attend the Divine Services for Holy Week and Bright Week in the parishes of the Deanery. VISITORS ARE WELCOME! Please visit this page to find the schedule of services for Holy Week and Bright Week in each of our parishes. Holy Week begins the evening of April 23. Palm Sunday is April 25. Pascha is May 2. We congratulate all with the feasts of this time of year!
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Update on General Unction April 19 
17/4/21, 05:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

This notice was sent to the clergy of the Michigan Deanery on Saturday, April 17, 2021 – we ask all to participate in the sacrament of Unction in their own parishes again this year, with hope that next year we will be able to gather without restrictions:

Dear Fathers,

Please note that, due to the continuing outbreak of Covid-19 in Michigan, the Unction service on April 19 will be for the Ann Arbor parish only. Fr. Victor will serve Unction separately for the Ferndale parish. Unction has already been served in Lake Odessa. If you were planning to join us on Monday and you would still like to participate please let me know. But we don’t think it makes sense to gather lots of different parishes together now – at least until the present outbreak dies down. Thank you for your understanding and please accept my apologies for any inconvenience.

In Christ,

Fr. Gregory
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Ann Arbor Orthodox Classical Academy 2021 Application Available 
14/4/21, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

The application for the 2021-22 school year - the inaugural year of the Ann Arbor parish school - is available at the link below. Please spread the word!


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Michigan Deanery Clergy North Gathering 
10/4/21, 09:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

With the blessing of Archbishop Peter the clergy from the northern part of the Michigan Deanery gathered on Saturday, March 28/April 10, 2021 – the last of the Soul Saturdays of Great Lent this year. The clergy gathering was held at the St. Sebastian Parish in Traverse City. The Divine Services were led by Archpriest Gregory Joyce, Dean of the Michigan Deanery. Also serving were:

Archpriest Michael Carney, St. Herman Parish, Lake Odessa, MI
Priest Benjamin Naasko, Sts. Sergius & Herman Monastery, Houghton, MI
Priest Micah Chisholm, St. Sebastian Parish, Traverse City, MI
Hierodeacon Alexei (Dixon), Sts. Sergius & Herman Monastery, Houghton, MI

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy Fr. Gregory presented a gift to the parish of a set of festal icons in thanks for hosting the clergy gathering, courtesy of Archbishop Peter and the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral Bookstore.

Following the Divine Liturgy, according to the practice of the Holy Church on this Soul Saturday, a pannyhida was served. At the pannykhida were included the ever-memorable hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America, along with the names submitted by the Traverse City faithful of their departed friends and loved ones.

After the pannykhida the gathered clergy shared a lenten meal and discussed issues of importance to the Deanery, including the impending visit of the Kursk Root Icon, the founding of a new Mission in Marquette with Archbishop Peter’s blessing, the beginning of an outreach of the St. Sebastian Mission to the Grayling/Houghton Lake/West Branch region of mid-Michigan, and other issues of importance to those present.

As Archbishop Peter always says, as clergymen our strength is in our unity. During this time of the pandemic it has been difficult for the clergy to gather and to serve together. Thank God for the opportunity that the clergy had to serve together on this day!

God willing, the clergy of the southern half of the Deanery will gather at St. Vladimir Parish in Ann Arbor on April 6/19, 2021 for the annual Deanery Unction.

Pictures of the Divine Services in Traverse City

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Deanery General Unction is April 19 
7/4/21, 12:00 PM
Posted by Fr. Gregory

Please plan to join us on Monday, April 19, 2021 for the annual Michigan Deanery General Unction service hosted by St. Vladimir parish in Ann Arbor. The service will be held in the parish Winter Worship Space, with ample social distancing available. Masks must be worn. Hands must be sanitized at the entry. Additional details can be found at the flyer below, which would also be good to share:


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